Intellectual Property Statement

Origin Quantum Computing Technology (Hefei) Co., Ltd. (in short as "Origin Quantum") owns all rights (including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets) to all works produced by the Company alone or through joint efforts with partners (including text, logo, picture, photo, audio, video, chart, color combination, layout design, trademark, trade name, and domain name). Without the written authorization of Origin Quantum, no media, website, or legal entities and individuals in any other forms shall copy, reprint, excerpt, modify, link, mirror or display and disseminate in other ways the above content. Origin Quantum providing information to you does not mean that the Company grants you any authorization to any copyright, patent right, or other intellectual property right.

Any work bearing the marks of “Exclusive” or “Source: Origin Quantum Website” is one that Origin Quantum is legally entitled to its copyright or use. Without the authorization of the Company, such works shall not be reproduced, excerpted or used in other ways. Those who have been authorized by the Company to use such works shall use them within the scope of authorization and indicate "Source: Origin Quantum Website”. Any violation to the above statement will be held legally accountable by the Company.

All works identified by the Company as "Source: XXX (other than the Origin Quantum Website)" are reproduced from other media channels and have been authorized to use by the original copyright owner. The content of such works only represents the original copyright owner's perspective.

For any use of the above content beyond the reasonable scope of use and without Origin Quantum's written authorization, the Company reserves the right to take legal actions.

Update date: May 2023